Thursday, August 9, 2012

Vegas at Dusk

There was a time on this blog where I would tag all images with the gear I used to capture my images. I did it for a few reasons but the biggest reason was because I would get quite a few inquiries as to what gear I used. So the lazy side of me decided that it wold be easier to include information on each photo instead of responding to the emails. I soon realized that the gear used isn't important. You don't ask the chef at your favorite restaurant what brand of grill he used to cook your steak. My blog is a place for me to share my images and thoughts, I want the images to speak for themselves.

With that said I'm making an exception today to point out that I really enjoy the images that my FujiFilm X100 produces. I take it with me at all times and love the quality of the images this little camera takes. It's quickly becoming my favorite camera ever. I leave my big Canon camera at home now and only use it occasionally.

These two images are straight out of the camera and shot in JPG mode. The image above was taken from the viewing deck of the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas Nevada. The image below is a panorama taken with the built in panoramic mode of the X100 taken at the top of the Stratosphere Casino in Las Vegas Nevada.

View the large pano here

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